About the Folding@Home Grapher

The Folding@Home Grapher (fahgr) project offers a simple solution for analyzing relative performance of Folding@Home teams.

License: Fahgr is free software licensed under the GNU GPL.

Donations: Fahgr was written by a member of team 609. If you enjoy fahgr or find it useful, please consider donating some work units to team 609. We could really use 'em.


Fahgr stores a history of team standing statistics, which you update periodically (using fahgr). Each update is saved in your local data file. Fahgr's primary ability (as of this writing) is to create time/score graphs from the data file for teams of your choosing. This allows you to visualize how teams are doing over time.

Screen shot: Here is a view of the graph window and the team selection window.


Fahgr has been tested with the following dependent software versions. Other version might work.

What's new


Set up fahgr

  1. If you haven't, start folding proteins for Folding@Home. It's a good cause.

  2. If you'd like, set your machine (or some of your machines, if you've got a bunch of them) to assign units to team 609.

  3. Download the fahgr tarball.

  4. Unpack the tarball.

  5. Download the team data file. This contains the top 100 Folding@Home team statistics that I've collected during development of the latest update.

  6. If you already have a team data file, you will have to remove it. The new format is not compatible. Move the downloaded team data file into your $HOME/.fahgr directory (which you may have to create).

Operate fahgr

Launching the program

Change directories to where you unpacked the fahgr tarball and type ./fahgr.py

Main window

The main window displays the graph and contains the control buttons.
Graph window: The graph displays the teams of your choice in the colors of your choice. The X-axis scale is days, where today is on the far right and assigned the value 8 (yes, this needs work). The Y-axis is in score units (i.e., the value in the score column of the team statistics).
Update button: Click to add the current team statistics to your data file. If you are having network connection problems, this may hang fahgr. Currently the Folding@Home web site only updates the team statistics once an hour, so updating more often than that just wastes bandwidth.
Teams button: Click to launch the team select window.
Dates button: Click to launch the date range select window.

Teams window

Select the teams you want to graph using the column of controls on the left. Select the a color for each selected using the controls on the right.
Apply button: Click to update the graph window with your current settings.
Close button: Click to close the Select window.
Graph Above button: Click to fill the team controls with the teams above (in top 100 order) the pivot team (the pivot team is the team selected in the top-most selection box). This shows teams that the pivot team might soon pass in the standings.
Graph Below button: Click to fill the team controls with the teams below (in top 100 order) the pivot team. This shows teams that might soon pass the pivot team in the standings.

Dates window

Select the start and end dates of the data to plot.
Apply button: Click to update the graph window with your current settings.
Close button: Click to close the Select window.

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